Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Here's My Link to the NY TimesBest Seller List

NY Times Best Sellers for Your Kindle

Riveting and Real

This book held my attention from beginning to end.Brain on Fire is Susannah Cahalan's reconstruction of her harrowing year with a brain inflammation. The scarey truth of something that could happen to anyone.
All I can say is read this before you venture out to see the movie--it won't disappoint you! I wanted to read this book before I see the movie and had no problem reading it in just a couple of days.

There's a Kindle for Everyone

Some of the Hot Titles Available

Friday, December 21, 2012

Here are two must read books. Ken Follett's new trilogy about the life of five families. Follett's first book in the Century trilogy, Fall of Giants, provides us with the details and backgrounds of five families during the time of World War 1. You will find many happenings including a forbidden romance between a German spy and a British aristocrat. With over a thousand pages this book is as good as I expected. I am a big fan of Ken Follett and this book is right up there with Pillars of the Earth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next book in this amazing trilogy is Winter of the World. The second book picks up right where the first book left off and we are looking at the rise of the third Riech right up to the first atomic bombs. We are following the same five families that we knew so well from Follett's first book of the series. It will be difficult to wait for the last book of the series and we can just hope that he is as quick with his writing as he is good!
Shop Amazon's New Kindle Fire-CLICK HERE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best Sellers Today-CLICK HERE

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Shop Amazon Books - New J.K. Rowling - The Casual Vacancy

The Latest Kindle Books Updated Hourly

Click on Hot New Releases for Amazon Hot New Releases Our best-selling new and future releases. Updated hourly.
Today I have two books to preview for you today. 1. The End of Your Life Book Club This book is emotional and exceptional. A tribute from a son to a mother that uses shared book reviews to communicate feelings and love. Will Schwalbe's mother was an amazing, well traveled, ahead of her time woman. When she is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer the mother and son relationship becomes stronger with the use of a two person book club. While reviewing many interesting books together, his mother reveal many experiences, but also her emotions and her fears. This is a story worth reading and I tell you honestly it is beautifully written and you will not be able to put it down. 2. The Forgotten One of Baldacci's best. John Puller, a military cop, is back right where Zero Day left off. This novel is a tiny bit slow to take off but once it does, you will be captured into the happenings the John finds in Florida when responding to a mysterious letter that his aunt has written. When he arrives his aunt is dead and strange things are happening. I would recommend this book and advise you to keep reading when the first few chapters seem slow. Good read!

Got My New Kindle Fire!

I just received my new Kindle HD Fire 8.9"and I am still learning but I have to tell you I LOVE IT! I have downloaded about 10 apps and have just begun. There is actually an app that shows you live cameras the world over and there are many that you can control with the touch of your keyboard! I know this blog is about the books that I find but I thought you would like to know what a wonderful item this is! Just so you know I have had the original Kindle since the first week it was available too. I gave that Kindle to my husband who loves to read and use my new Kindle Fire that I received for my birthday.